Tag: Ice Cream

How to make ice cream

This week I mad ice cream with my class. We were able to try the yummy ice cream and some of us got sprinkles. For this task we had to create detailed instructions so that someone else could make the ice cream. Here are my instructions below:

  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ cup salt
  • 4 cups ice cubes
  • Sprinkles
  • Measuring cups 
  • Measuring spoons 
  • 1 x medium sized snap lock
  • 1 x large sized snap lock bag
  1. First you put 4 full cups of ice into a large snap lock bag.
  2. Then you put half a cup of salt in the large snap lock bag.
  3. In the small snap lock bag you put in half a cup of cream
  4. After that you put in half a teaspoon of vanilla
  5. Then you put in one tablespoon of sugar
  6. Then you close up the small snap lock bag and make sure it is sealed tight. 
  7. Then put the small bag into the big snap lock bag.
  8. Then close the big snap lock bag and make sure it is sealed tight.
  9. Get a towel and put it under the big snap lock bag 
  10. Then you shake it for 10 min
  11. Then you open the big bag 
  12. Grab the small bag and enjoy the ice cream with some sprinkles.